I’ve begun integrating the solar pump into the home automation system running in my house (Home-Assistant) using the MySensors platform.  The goal is to be able to control the pump via Home-Assistant, and have Home-Assistant automatically water the garden when needed. So far, I’ve setup a MySensors Gateway, connected it to my Home-Assistant instance, and created a

Adding Smarts to the Solar Powered PumpRead More »

I had a conundrum.  I was making unnecessary trips down three and a half flights of stairs only to turn around, make the return trip, wait a while, and do it all again.  I could never tell when communal laundry space was in use, nor could I tell whether or not the washer or dryer

Laundry Alert!Read More »

I was watching FLOSS Weekly on Leo Laporte’s TWiT.tv Network earlier this week when they happened to mention the BigBlueButton project.  I had never heard of it at the time, but was certainly glad that I found about it.  It’s an online web-conferencing platform that kicks the crap out of everything that I’ve previously heard

BigBlueButtonRead More »